Thursday, 10 March 2016

How To Make Friends & Influence People

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Rather a few folks from back home have asked about how I have met or got talking to people via social media who are all travelling at the same time as me. Well, aside from the normal socialising in hostels on tours etc and randomly bumping into people while on your travels the best way I've managed to meet people is via the Backpackr iPhone app.


Monday, 7 March 2016

Palle Khan The Best Zig Zag Driver In India

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
A little later than anticipated but as promised I'd like to introduce the blogging world to Palle Khan. Palle started off on the 24th February as nothing more than our driver for a little over a week, but left us on the 5th March as our friend.


The Sleeper Train Experience

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Well, where do I start? I had heard loads of conflicting stories about the sleeper trains and if I am honest they made me into a little bit of a snob. As I was under the impression that I would not travel in any class lower than first ha ha, 


Friday, 4 March 2016

Did Someone Say Camel Safari

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Before me and Lauren left the UK to start our trip, someone told me on Facebook I am not sure who it was now but they told me to DO EVERYTHING. So when we had the opportunity to go on a days camel safari we jumped at the chance.

Taj Mahal - Agra

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Well, it’s finally happened I have managed to tick one of the seven wonders of the world off my bucket list, The fact I will be able to tick more off over the next few years excites me more than anything.
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