Thursday, 20 October 2016

Gili Trawangan

I had heard all about Gili T, and I had heard people raving about the place how amazing it was there, how they never wanted to leave. "It's like paradise" well for me three days was more than enough and I just couldn't see what the fuss was all about.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Bali Indonesia

I had high expectations of Bali as recently two friends have chosen to have their honeymoons on the island. Although it was a beautiful place for me unless you are in one of the fancy resorts as you would be on your honeymoon, it's no different than the rest of South East Asia.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Kuala Lumpur

The first time we flew to KL it was on the way to Japan right at the start of this amazing journey, we only had a 4 hour layover so never left the airport. The second time we flew to KL was part of the final stretch of this incredible journey and this time we got to explore this amazing city.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Bangkok High Life

Two weeks of luxury living in Bangkok, movie nights, popcorn, swimming pool and a gym. All for less than £15 a night with some fantastic views and across the road from Tesco's  We literally lived the dream. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Two entries for a total of 6 weeks, with very very different experiences. Thailand from north to south was not what I expected but was all the more enjoyable due to the people we met and the amazing stuff we got up to.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Angkor Wat

There are not many places in the world that give you an over whelming feeling of history, Angkor Wat does just that. You actually feel like you're walking round a movie set, that its not real, that somehow you should not be there but you don't want to leave.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Cambodia Was It Really Worth It

Lies, deceit, scams, disrespect and a blatant blind eye to the child sex trade. Cambodia is a country that has suffered so much in the not so distant past, that has a beautiful side but it's vastly over shadowed by a deep dark side that nobody should ever have to witness.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Crossing The Border Bangkok to Cambodia

Here is the story of when I became a fully fledged member of the Travelling Superhero Society. If this society doesn't exist then it should. Crossing the border from Bangkok to Siem Reap, scams, threats more scams and a superhero to rival anything marvel or DC have to offer.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

What's In My Bag

(Picture By Richard Huckvale)
I get asked rather a lot by either fellow backpackers already on the road or wanna be backpackers planning their first trip, "What do you carry? What is in your bag?" So here is a post of what I am carrying while I explore the world.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Conserve Natural Forests

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)

27th June 2016 will be a day I will remember and talk about for the rest of my life. As it was on this day for the first time in my life I felt 100% humbled; it was the day I met Maemoon, Kamjan & baby boon.

Slow Boat From Laos to Thailand

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
We are back on the Mekong River but this time we have a big arse boat and not an inner tube, we still have an ample amount of beer though so its all good. There is not much info about this journey online as most do it the opposite way so I am hoping this will help a few travellers.

How To Save Money While Travelling

I have previously blogged about Essential Apps For Travellers but this one is more about tips on how to find accommodation and get it cheaper than the price advertised. It can be daunting trying to save money while on the road so hopefully these hints and tips will help.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Tubing Down The Mekong River

(Picture by Raniera Rewiri)
Firstly let me say that this was a really big deal for me, I have a great fear of water. I mean I literally hear the jaws music as soon as the water gets past my waist but the whole point of travelling is to step outside of your comfort zone and in my case I fucking jumped outside it.

Sleeper Bus From Vietnam To Laos

(Picture by Raniera Rewiri)
As you can imagine there are several ways to cross the boarder from Vietnam into Laos, we chose the bus which although rather daunting at over 24 hours some reports saying it can take up to 48 hours we are sure glad we did.

30 Days In Vietnam

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
I have named this blog 30 days in Vietnam as we originally only planned on staying for the 15 free days you get on arrival into the country. Thankfully we met some amazing folks and decided to stay for 30 days instead. A decision that was well well worth it.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Kuang Si Waterfall Luang Prabang

(Picture by Raniera Rewiri)
This is one of those places that needs to be seen to be believed, looking at pictures no matter how good does not show off the beauty of this place. The beauty of mother nature at her very very best and for someone with a fear of water I was nervous but could not wait to jump right in.

Abandoned Water Park (Hồ Thủy Tiên)

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Firstly this place is no longer as mysterious as it once was, The stories of backpackers passing on directions on how to get there and having to break into the abandoned water park are long long gone. It is however still incredible. But like everything in South East Asia being turned into a tourist attraction.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Hong Kong

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Let me start with Hong Kong is a complete contrast to China although technically in China it's not part of China and is classed as its own country somehow!! Not sure how it all pans out really but it's vastly different.

Friday, 24 June 2016

The China Experience

(Picture by Lauren Shearer)
Where do I start with this country? Please stick with this post as it will no doubt turn into an epic rant about how annoying the place is and how super annoying the older generation of people are. I will start off with a breakdown of what we did and where we went etc.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Terracotta Army

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
The 8th Wonder Of The World as it's known, The Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China is something that has to be seen to be believed. Every warrior is different there are no two warriors alike.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Travelling With Your Partner

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
So as you can imagine we have met a lot of people so far on our travels, mostly solo travellers who have made friends along the way or groups of friends who have decided to see the world together. We have only met the odd one or two couples and we get asked the same question all the time!! "What is it like travelling with your partner?"

Great Wall Of China

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Another of the Seven Wonders of the world ticked off the old bucket list. The Great Wall Of China is of course spectacular, well the wall is alright its more the views and the grand scale of the wall that takes your breath away. Especially if you take a moment to think how hard it would have been to build the bloody thing.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

A Home From Home Japan

(Picture by Lauren Shearer)

So Japan, where do I start? I don't know why or how as I've never been to Japan before but I felt like I was at home the moment I stepped off the plane. I'll try to explain the best I can but I'm not sure I understand it myself.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

The People You Meet & Places You Go

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
For 6 weeks we called India home, for 1 week we called Japan home & now we call China home. From north to south and back again. Trains, buses, Taxi's and our feet have taken us mile upon mile, through some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. This blog will be about the experience and the people we met who have made the whole trip so far that extra bit special.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Sweet Dream Baby

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Well, this is certainly not the blog I had in mind when I started writing last night & It's certainly not a blog I ever wanted to write, but I am going to brave the tears and write about my baby, my best friend. I have come to a public place to try and refrain from balling my eyes out so bare with me.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Must Have Apps For All Travellers

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Right folks this one is for all you soon to be and current travellers, These apps I am about to Blog about could literally save your life and believe it or not many travellers don't know about them.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Holi Festival Of Colours 2016

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
After much deliberation we decided to spend Holi Festival of Colours in Anjuna (Goa) we were only meant to go to Goa for a few days but ended up staying for 3 weeks (I will be blogging about it shortly) this ones all about Holi

Thursday, 10 March 2016

How To Make Friends & Influence People

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Rather a few folks from back home have asked about how I have met or got talking to people via social media who are all travelling at the same time as me. Well, aside from the normal socialising in hostels on tours etc and randomly bumping into people while on your travels the best way I've managed to meet people is via the Backpackr iPhone app.


Monday, 7 March 2016

Palle Khan The Best Zig Zag Driver In India

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
A little later than anticipated but as promised I'd like to introduce the blogging world to Palle Khan. Palle started off on the 24th February as nothing more than our driver for a little over a week, but left us on the 5th March as our friend.


The Sleeper Train Experience

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Well, where do I start? I had heard loads of conflicting stories about the sleeper trains and if I am honest they made me into a little bit of a snob. As I was under the impression that I would not travel in any class lower than first ha ha, 


Friday, 4 March 2016

Did Someone Say Camel Safari

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Before me and Lauren left the UK to start our trip, someone told me on Facebook I am not sure who it was now but they told me to DO EVERYTHING. So when we had the opportunity to go on a days camel safari we jumped at the chance.

Taj Mahal - Agra

(Picture by Richard Huckvale)
Well, it’s finally happened I have managed to tick one of the seven wonders of the world off my bucket list, The fact I will be able to tick more off over the next few years excites me more than anything.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

From Delhi to Agra & Sunrise Over The Taj Mahal

OK so I know I said in my last blog that I'd not be blogging for about 15 days, Well the plan was to write one blog about our 12 day trip through India but we are seeing so much more than I thought we would so I am going to blog about every city we visit and what we did there.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

A Little Relaxation In Dubai

Literally, where do I start? As it stands right now as I am writing this blog, we have travelled to 3 different countries in just 6 days!! Manchester to Dubai to India. Granted the 3 days in Dubai were relaxing by the pool, chilling on the beach and going for drinks with family but it has been super hectic.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Globe Trotters

20th February 2016, We officially left the UK on our 2-year globetrotting session. It has been a hectic 10 months of planning, you name it we've researched it watched it on YouTube and asked a fellow traveller about it, but we were still doing last minute packing and believe it or not photoshop before we set off to the airport.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Friends, Family & Final Goodbyes

The time has almost come to jet off around the world; the last few days have been spent with my friends and family saying our final goodbyes. It is a strange feeling knowing that the people have surrounded myself with for most of my life won't be there to go for a beer with or pop round the house for a brew.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The Burning Questions

So in a little over three days I will land in Dubai, the first stop on my journey around the world. Now I thought I would address the burning questions that I keep getting asked on a daily basis.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Partner In Crime

I thought it would be best to introduce the blogging world to Lauren seen as though she will be with me for the two-year travel around the world. It's best you meet the nutter now :)

Monday, 15 February 2016

Holi Festival Of Colours

On the 23rd March, I will be overjoyed with the fact I will be part of the ancient Hindu festival of sharing love, more commonly known around the world as Holi Festival.

The Journey Begins

This is my first ever blog, so please bare with me :) As I sit here with my entire life packed into an 80L backpack watching Lauren try and decide what clothes to take and what to leave behind it's finally hit me.
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